Friday, May 27, 2011

zzzzZZZzzzzz...*snort*, "Wha...? I'm supposed to keep writing?"

Okay, so it's been a few...weeks. I'm a busy gal! Sheesh! I need more hours in the day or another day of the week! Maybe we can petition for another day of the week and call it, "Someday". Think of all the awesome stuff that would happen on it! Everyone's always talking about all the things they're going to do/accomplish "someday". We could all actually do those things finally! p.s. It would totally be a weekend day.

Anywayeeez. I have been doing a lot of baking, as usual. I started taking pictures as I go along with the intention of posting tutorials and such, but there's a problem. Every time I bake, I start off taking step-by-step pictures, only to get so caught up in the baking that I forget to snap pics all the way through.  If I was to post these with an entry, you'd all be like, "Hey, buttface! How did you go from combining dry ingredients to a really pretty cupcake?" Then you would want to kick me in the shin. Can't have that, I likey my shins. I promise, promise, super promise to get on the ball with that.  I have been kissing up to my mom, trying to get her to teach me her awesome numero uno recipe for baklava and I hope that will come to fruition soon, especially since I got a request for it from a VIP (pronounced, "vip" or "vee aye pee", your preference). That way I could take pics while she actually does it and explains, or she can take pics while she talks me through it. *fingers crossed*

In my previous entry I promised to post pictures of baking I've already done, so I'll go ahead and start those posts. I'll describe what the pics are and if anyone is interested in a tutorial or recipe, comment and I'll share it if I still have it - those early days of documented baking were dark times...meaning I hadn't really found the LOVE for scratch baking so some things were made from box mix and canned frosting. My bad. Sometimes there just wasn't enough time/energy for baking AND decorating efforts, so one got the ax.

Enough talky, here we go. This first set was an idea from the book, "Hello, Cupcake" (I think).

These are box mix and canned frosting. The effort was obviously reserved for decorating.  Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frosting, colored with Wilton color gel. Green for the "grass" base, Oreos (regular and mini) for the centers. Colored the vanilla frosting yellow and orange, then just pretty much shoved it in a Ziploc bag, cut one of the tips in an inverted "V" for the petal shape and went at it. As you can see, some of the petals are orange, some are yellow, and some (like the single above) have both colors when they FINALLY started to come out swirled.  The ladybugs are m&ms with chocolate frosting (colored black) piped on with another Ziploc bag with a very, very small amount of a tip snipped off.

This was before I started trying to learn legit skills and did things the hard way. I had no idea about icing plugs and obviously had no piping skills.  I just decided that I wanted to make some pretty cupcakes and I wanted to make my boyfriend decorate girly cupcakes. *snicker* He totally did, too, but he had a few beers while doing it so the manly cancels out the unmanly. Shhhh! He thinks so, don't burst his bubble. If you want to try these, I would suggest you use ready-made decorator's frosting or make your own thick, firm frosting. Canned is waayyyyy too soft. We had to keep pausing to put the bags in the fridge for the frosting to firm up. Sooo much time wasted.

Until next post!

Don't get sad, the next post is coming right up!

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